
  • Movement: WASD
  • Melee: Left Mouse Button or F
  • Shoot: Right Mouse Button or R
  • Dodge: Space Bar
  • Aim: Mouse Cursor


Oh no! Pumpkin Chad has fallen into the Abyss! Lost in the Abyssal Forest of Spring with nothing but his chiseled pecs and his chad-ness, Pumpkin Chad must fight his way through the ever growing VegeGhosts and release his soul from the Abyss! But he must be careful! For every kill makes the spirits of the Abyssal Forest grow stronger! Will he be able to free his soul and reunite with WaterMelon-Chan? Or will he forever be lost in the Abyss’s clutches!?


You might have noticed that this is the 3rd game in the series and a quick profile check would not show the previous 2 games. Those prequels to this game are on a different site. At some point, I will port those over to this page.


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There are a lot of great details in here, like the knife moving after a melee attack, and the beautiful pixel art..  I think this game struggles in finding an identity though. The player is so fast, enemies have a lot of health, and they get even stronger upon death. So why fight enemies at all? Pumpkin Chad is a chad who runs around shirtless in a 6-pack! Why is he running away from all the baddies? Beyond the error messages and odd enemy movement, this game is actually gorgeous. Clearly, a lot of time was placed on nailing the art, and it shows. Once Pumpkin Chad finds his identity as either a desperate scaredy-pumpkin, or a powerful warrior mowing down hordes of endless enemies, this game could be really cool..!